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Summer Associates

Foster Swift has a 12-week Summer Associate program for rising 3L law students. Our goal is to find those individuals who have the potential for outstanding long-term legal careers with Foster Swift. The firm has four summer associate positions we will be filling for Summer 2025.    

  1. Trusts & Estate – Lansing
  2. Litigation – Lansing
  3. Litigation – Southfield
  4. Litigation – Grand Rapids

To identify candidates Foster Swift participates in On-Campus Interviewing (OCI) and resume collects at most midwest law schools. Students are encouraged to register with their law college's OCI program. If we are not enrolled in your law school's OCI program, please submit your resume, cover letter (please include why you want to pursue a career in private practice in Michigan as well as no more than three positions for which you want to be considered), transcript and a writing sample of no more than six pages that shows your persuasive writing skills to khafley@fosterswift.com    

First Round Interviews

First-round interviews will be conducted on campus or via Zoom between July 31 and August 11.   


Over a decade ago, we resolved to improve the quality and efficiency of our recruiting process. All call-back invitations are now extended for one day in mid-to-late August. This schedule allows the firm's interviewing lawyers to dedicate uninterrupted time and attention to this very important aspect of the firm's future. In addition, this process has dramatically reduced the time historically required to inform candidates about hiring decisions.

All expenses are paid for candidates accepting the firm's call-back invitations.

We're Hiring!

 If you are interested in applying for a 2025 summer associate position, please email your cover letter, resume and a writing sample to khafley@fosterswift.com by August 1, 2024.

Additional Perspective

Foster Swif Careers Webb Smith Our Recruiting Values
Listen to named shareholder Webb Smith speak on the timeless recruiting values Foster Swift has held since its founding in 1902. Firm Shareholders Leslie (Dickinson) Abdoo and Taylor Gast discuss their own experiences as summer associates including the interview process.