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Legislation Alert: New House Bill Proposes to Change Bidding Procedure on Township Funded Roads

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Karl W. Butterer
Foster Swift Road Commission Law News
February 19, 2013

The Michigan State House of Representatives introduced House Bill No. 4251 on February 13, 2013, which proposes to change county road law in connection with contract bidding for road projects in which townships participate in funding.

The proposed bill effects road projects in which a township contributes 50% or more to the cost of the project. In those cases, the township “may require that the county road commission contract for the work on that road project through competitive bidding.” If the township requires competitive bidding, then the road commission must submit each bid it received to the township. The road commission may submit its own competitive bid. The road commission must obtain approval from the township board for the bidding process and the final contract.

The bill has been referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.