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School Funding Impacted by "Big Box" Store Tax Appeals

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Laura J. Genovich
Foster Swift School Law News E-Blast
August 7, 2017

Across the state of Michigan, local property tax revenue is being drained by the property tax appeals filed by "Big Box" retail stores. Education Week interviewed Foster Swift attorney Jack Van Coevering regarding the impact of "big box" retail stores appeals to school funding in Michigan. Mr. Van Coevering explained that the largest portion of property millage in Michigan funds Michigan schools:

"This impact is permanent and annual. The tax loss would be repeated every year because in Michigan, increases in the property tax base, is capped at the rate of inflation. Schools are the primary local government unit at risk". Read the full article here.

If you have any questions about the impact of these property tax appeals on your own school district, contact Jack Van Coevering at (616) 726-2221 or School Law attorney Laura Genovich at (616) 726-2238.