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Including IT in your Agribusiness Strategic Planning Efforts

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John W. Mashni
Foster Swift Agricultural Law News
January 30, 2017

Information technology is becoming increasingly important for agribusinesses looking to improve productivity, efficiency and effectiveness. From monitoring crops, to managing workforces, agribusinesses are adopting technological solutions to gather, analyze and use information to make decisions and optimize performance.

In today’s complex legal and regulatory environment, compliance and cybersecurity are at the forefront of IT planning and infrastructure. An agribusiness’s IT systems must work seamlessly, and also be secure and function in such a way to allow businesses to comply with legal and regulatory responsibilities.

Foster Swift assists agribusiness clients with many of the most important aspects of IT planning. Our attorneys have extensive experience counseling and advising clients in all aspects of strategic IT planning, including cybersecurity and data protection. And, because IT planning is a complex issue that often requires an interdisciplinary approach, we work seamlessly with outside information technology experts in connection with planning, data breach prevention and breach response issues.

As agribusinesses begin to execute on their 2017 strategic growth plans, it’s critical for them to also be strategically planning for how their technological capabilities will scale with their business. Foster Swift stands ready to help ensure that IT is an asset, and not a liability, for growing agribusinesses.

Our Strategic IT Planning services for businesses include:

  • Assessment: Review and assess an agribusiness’s IT infrastructure and its IT needs - both now and into the future.
  • Planning: Based on the assessment, determine upgrades and improvements required to optimize an agribusiness’s IT systems for performance, as well as legal and regulatory compliance, in the most cost-efficient manner possible.
  • Implementation: Work seamlessly with other IT experts to get systems up and running.

Do you have questions regarding IT planning or how you can improve your operations? Contact attorney John Mashni at jmashni@fosterswift.com or at 517.371.8257.