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Michigan No-Fault Insurance Outline

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First-Party Claims
Thomas R. TerMaat
(updated annually since 2001)

This outline is intended to assist our clients in evaluating “first-party” claims for personal and property protection benefits arising under the Michigan No-Fault Act.

Table of Contents.

Overview of the Michigan No-Fault Insurance Act
Opening Question: Is a Claimant Entitled to Michigan No-Fault Benefits 
Parked Vehicles: Scope of Coverage and Exclusions 
Personal Protection Insurance Benefits ("PIP") 
Survivors Loss Benefits 
Priorities for Personal Protection Claims
Persons Not Entitled to Personal Protection Benefits 
Benefit Set-Offs 
Coordination of Benefits 
Non-Residents Involved in Accidents in Michigan 
Out-of-State Accidents 
Property Protection Benefits and Exclusions 
Procedural Issues and Miscellaneous Items
Appendix A: Michigan No-Fault Insurance Code
Appendix B: Form of Verdict: No-Fault First-Party Benefits Action

Please contact Thomas TerMaat at 616-727-2251 (ttermaat@fosterswift.com) to order a copy of this resource.