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MIOSHA to Increase Inspections of Manufacturers’ COVID Preparedness and Response Plans and Remote Work Policies

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Karl W. Butterer
Foster Swift Labor & Employment Law News
November 23, 2020

HandwashingOn November 16, 2020, the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) announced that until February 8, 2021 it will emphasize enforcement efforts to ensure that manufacturing establishments are protecting workers from COVID-19. 

MIOSHA advised that it will create a targeting list of manufacturing establishments. MIOSHA inspectors will review the establishments’ COVID-19 preparedness and response plan, but limit its inspection to hazards posed to employees. In particular, inspectors will evaluate employers’ compliance with the October 14, 2020 MIOSHA Emergency Rules 2019 https://www.michigan.gov/documents/leo/leo_miosha_COVID-19_Emergency_Rules_705296_7.pdf as well as other MIOSHA standards related to personal protective equipment, sanitation, respiratory protection and recording and reporting of occupational injuries and illnesses. Significantly, MIOSHA specifically pointed out that inspectors will evaluate whether employers have created remote work policies as required by the Emergency Rules.

If you are a manufacturer which needs assistance with understanding and complying with MIOSHA rules related to COVID-19, please contact one of Foster Swift’s employment lawyers.