Foster Swift business attorneys realize entrepreneurs and business owners have lots of legal questions so we've developed a library of short videos to provide basic legal information on some of the more frequently asked questions. The video collection will continue to grow as we see trends among our clients' needs.
Please remember, the content is for general information purposes and is not a substitute for consulting with a business lawyer licensed to practice law in Michigan.
Business Basics Video Library
Up and Running Series
- Alternative Dispute Resolution: Selecting a Mediator
- Alternative Dispute Resolution: Facilitative Mediation
- Cease & Desist: What to Do
- Copyright Basics: 3 Tips for Small Businesses Regarding Copyright
- Covenants not to Compete
- Crowdfunding 101
- Crowdfunding: Income is Taxable
- Crowdfunding: Update on Title III Rules
- Employee Benefits: Importance of Proper Counsel
- Employee Benefits: Retirement Plan Issues
- Employee Classification
- ESOPs (Employee Stock Ownership Plans): As A Succession Planning Tool
- Fallacies of Marketing Legally
- Financing Your Vision
- First Steps in Protecting a Trademark
- How to Evaluate Investment Opportunities
- Intellectual Property: Copyrights
- Michigan Sales and Use Tax Audits: What You Need to Know
- Michigan Sales Tax Update: Retailers Take Notice
- Minimize FMLA and ADA
- Patents
- Record Retention
- Small Claims Court
- Selecting Professional Advisors For Your Small Business
- Tax Planning for Family Businesses
- At Will Employment: What you need to know about hiring and firing
- What is a Trademark?
Entertainment Business Series
- Film Financing
- Tips for Finding Investors
- Tips for Licensing Music
- Tips For Movie Distribution
- Tips For Creating A Reality TV Show
- Will You Read My Script
local government
Tax Exempt Series
Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC videos are intended to provide general information. THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE. Individuals viewing the video should consult an attorney to determine how the information applies to any specific situation before taking any action.

Register for 2023 programs here
- April 26-Importance of Protecting Your Brand
- June 21-Internet reputation issues
- August 23-Employee Handbook Considerations
- October 18-What to do if you get sued