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Kraus Reelected to ABA Council of Appellate Lawyers Executive Committee

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November 19, 2018

LANSING, Mich. – Foster Swift attorney Richard Kraus was recently reelected to the Executive Committee of the American Bar Association Council of Appellate Lawyers (CAL).

CAL is the first and only national appellate bench-bar organization. CAL is devoted to the professional development of lawyers who practice appellate law and the fostering of creative dialogue between those lawyers and appellate judges, both federal and state.  Its objectives are to work in collaboration with appellate judges to improve the administration of justice and the practice of appellate law; to promote and advance the role of the appellate lawyer in the litigation process and the goal of recognizing appellate practice as a specialty; and to develop national standards and guidelines for appellate practice. 

Richard has over 40 years’ experience handling difficult cases at all levels of state and federal appeals courts for clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to individuals and small businesses. He is also a member of the firm’s Health Care practice group. His practice areas include licensing investigations and proceedings for professionals and facilities, regulatory and administrative matters, and privacy issues among others.