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Foster Swift Presents at 2019 MTA Conference

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February 8, 2019

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. —For close to 20 years, Foster Swift attorneys have been in attendance at the annual Michigan Township Association (MTA) Educational Conference & Expo to provide a hands-on, practical approach to issues with Michigan municipalities. This year’s conference takes place April 1-4 at DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Attendees will learn innovative solutions, processes and ideas to aid in their community along with hot topics affecting Michigan’s more than 1,200 townships.

Be sure to catch one of the following sessions presented by a Foster Swift attorney:

Leslie A. Dickinson will discuss Zoning Law Updates at the MTA’s Legal Institute for Township Attorneys.  Held in conjunction with the MTA’s Annual Educational Conference & Expo, these sessions will help attendees stay on the cutting edge of legal news and changes that impact local government. Leslie’s session will be on Monday, April 1 from 2:30-3:30 pm and will be at the Amway Grand Plaza in Grand Rapids.

Lisa J. Hamameh will be presenting Parliamentary Procedures at its Worst on Tuesday, April 2 from 2:45-4:00 pm. This session will shed light on the most commonly misused and misunderstood motions and procedures and provide answers to questions to help clear confusion surrounding parliamentary procedures.

Laura J. Genovich will present Ethics Boot Camp on Wednesday, April 3 from 10:15-11:30 am. This session will use hypothetical case studies, role play and small group discussion to teach participants about Michigan’s ethics laws. It will also review the Standards of Conduct for Public Officers and Employees Act, Contracts of Public Servants with Public Entities Act and Political Activities Act. Conflicts of interest and local ethics ordinances will also be discussed.

Hamameh will also be presenting What the Heck is an SAD? on April 3 from 1:30-2:45 pm. Attendees will learn the ins and outs of creating and maintaining special assessment districts (SADs). This session will review the types of public improvements that can be funded by specially assessing property and the process of establishing SADs. Attendees can learn how to determine which properties can be assessed and what to do if there is a deficiency (or a surplus) in their SADs.

Make the most of your lunch break at the Township Business Solutions Session on April 3 from 12:00-1:00 pm. Presented by MTA Allied Service Providers, a panel of Foster Swift attorneys will be available to discuss and answer questions on a number of timely topics Michigan townships are facing in 2019 such as:

  • Marijuana regulations in the wake of Proposal 1
  • Small cell phone towers in urban and rural communities
  • Updates regarding wind and solar energy litigation

Space for this event is limited and LUNCH WILL ONLY BE PROVIDED TO THOSE WHO RSVP.

To RSVP for this event, contact Jake Leuvoy at (517) 371-8125 or at jleuvoy@fosterswift.com

For more information on the MTA Annual Conference visit: michigantownships.org/conference.asp