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Learn Employee Benefits Legal Trends and Policies in 2021

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Foster Swift Employee Benefits E-blast
April 19, 2021

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – Join Foster Swift attorneys Mindi Johnson and Amanda Dernovshek on Tuesday, April 27 as they discuss trending employee benefits topics in 2021. This session is geared for HR personnel and business owners.

The ongoing pandemic has brought myriad new policies and regulations that businesses must follow. This virtual town hall discussion will break down legal topics including but not limited to:

  • Incentivizing Employees to Obtain COVID-19 Vaccines
    • Many organizations are thinking about imposing a vaccine mandate on their employees.
    • Learn about different issues to review if your organization is considering whether to incentivize employees to get vaccinated and the questions that you may ask employees to prove that they have been vaccinated.
  • Employers’ Requirement to Fully Subsidize COBRA Coverage
    • The American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”) now requires employers to fully subsidize COBRA coverage for certain individuals during the “subsidy” period.
    • Presenters will provide an overview of the COBRA subsidy provisions under the ARPA and the “Special Election Period” for certain participants who previously turned down/discontinued COBRA Coverage.
  • Change to Dependent Care Assistance Plan (“DCAP”) Benefits
    • The ARPA increased the maximum DCAP benefit amount for 2021.
    • Presenters will share several practical insights on the consequences that may arise if an organization increases its DCAP benefit amount.
  • Circumstances Surrounding the Extension of Welfare Benefit Plan Deadlines
    • In the Spring of 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor issued guidance that effectively delayed the deadlines for certain welfare benefits plan notices and disclosures for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Recent guidance has limited such delays.
    • Presenters will provide an update on recent guidance and its practical effect on your organization’s welfare plans.
  • Missing and Nonresponsive Participants
    • A plan fiduciary must comply with series of duties imposed by ERISA, including the duty to ensure that plan participants receive their benefits at a time and in the manner described in the plan document.
    • Learn about the complex issues and considerations that arise when a plan has missing or nonresponsive participants who are eligible to receive their vested benefits.

Recorded Webinar: https://youtu.be/JDTzksG2ngE