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Russell Discusses Implications of Massive Marijuana Recall Lawsuit

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CBS News
November 29, 2021

Marijuana and GavelFoster Swift litigation attorney David Russell was quoted in an article in CBS News about what is considered to be the largest Michigan cannabis recall ever. The Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA) recently issued a recall for all marijuana products, besides inhaled cannabis concentrate, assessed by testing facilities Viridis Laboratories and Viridis North between August 10 and November 16, 2021. 

Viridis filed a lawsuit against the Michigan's marijuana regulatory agency. The recall issued impacts more than 400 sales locations throughout Michigan and represents an estimated $229 million in cannabis products, according to the lawsuit. 

"The recall is the latest and most egregious action by the MRA in a prolonged campaign of harassment aimed at Viridis," Russell said. "Unfortunately, this latest effort by the MRA has caused huge disruption and chaos in the industry, harming small businesses and besmirching Viridis' reputation with no basis in science."

Read the full article on CBSNews.com. Russell and fellow attorney Brandon Schumacher were also mentioned as the representing counsel for Viridis Labs. See the article at Detroit Free Press.