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Will 2023 Bring Changes to Michigan's Workers' Comp Laws?

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Foster Swift Second Wednesday Lunch Break
January 11, 2023

Meeting with Injured Person and AttorneyWith the midterm elections complete, Democrats now control both houses of the Michigan Legislature as well as the Governor’s Office. This new environment will likely lead to changes in Michigan’s Workers’ Compensation laws.

Please join us for our first 2nd Wednesday Lunch Break of 2023 that discusses these potential changes as well as best defense strategies for employers and insurance companies.

When: January 11, 2023 from 12:00-12:30 pm
Registration: https://bit.ly/2ndWeds2023

Tyler and Mike assist employers and insurance companies in defending workers' compensation cases. With over a century of combined experience defending workers' compensation claims, Foster Swift aggressively represents employers, insurance carriers, group funds, and third-party administrators in all phases of the litigation process throughout the State of Michigan.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact a member of our WC Team.