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Unintended Consequences Your College Student May Face

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Foster Swift Second Wednesday Lunch Break
October 11, 2023

LANSING, Mich. — The fall semester is in full swing with a new crop of freshmen roaming campuses around the country. While we as parents want to assume the best, that our now-adult children will walk the “straight and narrow path” of making the right decisions on their own and keeping their mind strictly on their studies, it is not always as simple as that.

Join Foster Swift for our next 2nd Wednesday session as we explore the importance of discussing with your college-bound student what to be on the lookout for to better prepare themselves for “Unintended Consequences Your College Student May Face”.

This session will feature litigator and criminal law attorney Alex Rusek as he discusses the following issues students may face:

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Academic Dishonesty/Cheating

  • Students often find themselves overwhelmed with the number of courses/assignments on their plate and may take to using AI software such as ChatGPT to help them research or draft papers. While AI has made our lives easier, misuse of it for students can be construed as cheating or plagiarism by their school. Alex will discuss:
    • What is artificial intelligence (AI)?
    • How are students using it?
    • What are the potential academic consequences for misuse of these tools?

2. Alcohol and Controlled Substances

  • The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that approximately 4 out of 5 college students consume alcohol. The use of marijuana, prescription and illicit drugs on campuses is also on the rise. With easier access, students may drink or use drugs for a variety of reasons including peer pressure, curiosity or to relieve stress. Alex will discuss:
    • 18+ students medical marijuana uses with valid card.
    • 21+ student alcohol and recreational marijuana usage.
    • Common illegal substances on college campuses along with Adderall and similar narcotics.
    • Criminal repercussions and collateral consequences of drug and/or alcohol use including academic consequences, federal loan issues, etc.

3. Other Criminal Offenses

  • Among the most common crimes on college campuses include theft, assault & battery, and forcible sex offenses. Alex will discuss best practices to help reduce risk and prevent harm along with who to contact if your student is a victim of:
    • Theft.
    • Assault & Battery.
    • Intimate Partner Violence/Domestic Violence.

4. Title IX/Consent for Sexual Activity

  • While this is certainly a taboo subject to discuss with your adult-children, it is no less important that they understand what consent is. What may have started out as a seemingly harmless act can lead to a serious chain of events. Any sexual activity without consent i.e., saying explicit things, groping, etc., even if the victim knows the perpetrator, is considered assault. Alex will discuss:
    • In the general sense, what is considered consent?
    • An overview of the Title IX process should a complaint be filed against a student.
    • Potential consequences for sexual assault conviction including reprimands, suspensions, expulsions, etc.