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Michigan’s Equine Activity Liability Act - Has It Had a Rough Ride in Court?

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Michigan Horse Council: Equine Legislative Day
October 25, 2023

Julie Fershtman is a speaker at the Michigan Horse Council’s “Equine Legislative Day” at the Michigan Capitol on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. The 2023 Legislative Day theme is: “An Update on the Impact of Equine Programs Connecting with Community.”

Fershtman’s presentation is titled: “Michigan’s Equine Activity Liability Act - Has It Had a Rough Ride in Court?” Attending the event will be legislators and their staff in addition to the public. With decades of experience advocating for the enactment of limited liability legislation supporting Michigan’s equine industry, Fershtman was involved in passage of Michigan’s Equine Activity Liability Act in 1994 and spearheaded its amendment in 2015. She has successfully litigated several cases involving this statute, spoken nationwide about this and similar laws, and has written four books addressing equine liability and risk management issues.

See more information on event here.