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Back to School: Balancing Careers, Schedules and Divorce

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Legal Strategies for Women Leaders
August 7, 2024

Working Mom with KidsWell, it was great while it lasted. The summer is already drawing towards its epic conclusion and if you are a parent, you know what that means...getting your kids ready to go back to school.

The end of summer can be a stressful time for parents, trying to balance their own careers with their children's school schedules and after-school activities. Add a separation or divorce from your spouse into the mix and it can be downright nightmarish.

Join us for our next Legal Strategies for Women Leaders session on Back to School: Balancing Careers, Schedules and Divorce:

This session features business attorney Mindi Johnson, along with family law and estate planning attorney Gabrielle Lawrence as they discuss practical guidance for separated/divorced parents on:

  • Co-Parenting:
    • Communication is key. Even if things are tense between the parents, simple communication can lead to smoother interactions.
  • Coordinating Schedules:
    • Coordinating schedules is one of the most difficult challenges for working divorced/separated parents at the beginning of the school season. Keeping track of whose turn it is to pick up the kids or when both have to be present at the parent-teacher conference can turn messy real fast without the use of the right tools.  
  • Going Off to College:
    • Every parent's worst nightmare: receiving a call in the middle of the night that their child has been injured in a car accident. Even worse, if the child is 18 or older and does not have the proper documentation in place, medical personnel cannot disclose information about the child's condition under HIPAA laws. Learn more about what documents should be put in place with you and your adult child before they leave for college. 
  • Updating Your Estate Plans:
    • As a business owner, it is crucial to protect your assets as you acquire them. After the divorce process has started, it is important to update any estate plan documents that you may have in place (wills, trusts, etc.) to make sure that your assets go to the proper beneficiaries.