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WEBINAR | Problem Patrons: Developing and Enforcing Patron Behavior Policies

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September 6, 2011

Do you have a patron who will not leave at closing?  How about a patron who destroys library property?  What about patrons who harass other patrons or staff?  What can the Library do?  The answer is to develop and enforce clear patron behavior policies.  

This session focused on the key provisions of a patron policy, the need for consistent enforcement and the importance of due process.  We will also discuss handling patron complaints and dealing with the law enforcement.


Anne M. Seurynck, Library Law Attorney

This session was the second of many sessions that Foster Swift will present in conjunction with the Cooperative Directors Association throughout the year.  Each session will be focused on questions and issues that Library Trustees may raise.  However, all Trustees, Directors and staff are welcome and encouraged to attend without charge.

Download webinar PowerPoint Slides

PDF of PowerPoint Slides