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WEBINAR | Protecting Against the Unknown: How to Successfully Review IT Contracts to Increase Your Rights and Avoid Potential Liability

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June 22, 2010

In today's information technology age of doing business, all companies are required to enter into IT contracts.  Whether you are obtaining a license for new software, purchasing a new system, hardware or having a custom built program implemented for your business, IT contracts are signed without giving much, if any, review or revision of the language to protect your company and secure actual rights in the technology being acquired.

Most boilerplate IT contracts restrict rights, shift liability onto the acquirer, limit responsibility for technical problems and charge a fee for maintenance of common glitches.   More troubling is that custom built software for your company does not, regularly, come with exclusive ownership rights.

Learn how to protect your company from these risks and create a more fair and even handed contract - after all you are paying them for the technology, why should you shoulder all the risk too?


Anyone who has purchased or will purchase a technology product/service that requires a contract.