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Why Worry About Unions Under the Trump Administration?

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American Society of Employers (ASE)
August 9, 2018

Foster Swift labor & employment attorney Frank T. Mamat is among the presenters at the 7th Annual American Society of Employers (ASE) Employment Law workshop on Thursday, August 9. This workshop features attorney-led panels and breakout sessions that will review employment laws and regulations, providing clarity in the gray areas that are not often explored.

Topics to be covered at the seminar include but are not limited to: Family & Medical Leave (FMLA), NAFTA, sick leave, and joint employment.

Mamat’s session, “Why Worry About Unions Under the Trump Administration?”, will provide updates to union and NLRB activity under the current administration, along with guidance as to how the recent Supreme Court decision in Janus v. AFSCME may spell a death blow to public union funding and ultimately impact private sector unions.

ASE is a not-for-profit employer association that focuses on the ever-changing workforce environment to provide ASE member organizations the relevant information and counsel they need to be top employers and meet their business objectives.

Annually selected as one of the top 100 Labor Lawyers in the US by the Labor Relations Institute, Mamat focuses his practice on complex labor issues, with a special focus on union matters, contract negotiations and unfair labor practice litigation. Mamat also currently serves as the ASE’s Education Foundation Chairman. Mamat was Senior Counsel to the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and co-authored the Michigan Right-to-Work law in 2012.

This all-day workshop is being held at the VisTaTech Center at Schoolcraft College in Livonia. Visit aseonline.org for more information and to register.