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TV Show Highlights Junior Entrepreneurs & Business Lessons for Parents

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mConnexions: Expert Connexions
December 13, 2021

Business Attorney at Foster Swift Collins & Smith, PC Shares Story About His Own Child-preneurs

Many business owners grow up dreaming of launching their first business. Some of them actually launch their business before growing up!

In a new episode of Expert Connexions, two business experts share interesting success stories after launching new business ventures with their kids. Included are the learning curves of teaching children how to navigate as entrepreneurs, plus strategic business advice for owners of all ages.

Writing children's books has been a way for me to teach my kids how to be entrepreneurs and how to take a crazy idea, even a silly one, and turn it into a business,” says John Mashni, author and attorney at Foster Swift. “We've used that as a way to teach our kids how to start a business, how to give from the proceeds, how to create something, how to hire people, how to work with people. It's been an incredible process and the kids have been involved in every single step of the way.”

One of the most important lessons that she learned,” adds Jesse Flores, who helped his daughter create an ecommerce business, “is that at some level, product development is the easiest thing that you have to do as a business; customer development is by far the most difficult thing! That's one of the biggest things that she's still learning and that, frankly, all of our customers are still learning, which is that providing the service is important, but finding customers is the harder part.”

The show will air at 9 a.m. on Monday, December 13, 2021 right after Good Morning America on WLAJ-TV in the greater Lansing viewing area. The segment will also be available online following the broadcast at expertconnexions.tv.