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Independent Medical Exams: Strategies for Imposing or Preventing Conditions and Limitations

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Strafford Webinars
January 4, 2023

Ray Littleton will be speaking on the topic, "Independent Medical Exams: Strategies for Imposing or Preventing Conditions and Limitations" in an upcoming Strafford live video webinar on January 4, 2023. 

This CLE webinar will offer strategies for resisting or imposing unofficial and usually unwritten limits on how independent medical examinations (IMEs) are conducted and later used. The panel will provide guidance both to lawyers requesting IMEs as well as those whose clients will be examined. The panel will discuss what state procedural rules apply and Federal Rule 35, the types of conditions being requested by plaintiffs' counsel and the reasons used to justify them, how different jurisdictions are allowing, rejecting, or tailoring these now frequent requests, and best strategies for defense and plaintiffs.