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Understanding the General Law Village Act

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Michigan Municipal League (Capital Conference & Annual Expo)
March 19, 2019

Mark Koerner and Alex Thibodeau spoke at the Michigan Municipal League’s 2019 Capital Conference & Annual Expo. The title of their session was “Understanding the General Law Village Act.”

This presentation provided an in-depth understanding of governing as a general law village. The session covered specific areas of the General Law Village Act such as: duties of officers (president, trustees, clerk, treasurer, and manager, if the village chooses to have one); council (rules of proceedings, quorum, compelling attendance, publication of proceedings); filling vacancies; residency; default; compensation; ordinance publication/synopsis; and allowable millages.

With regards to the session, Mark and Alex discussed:

  • Municipal Operations
  • Municipal Finance
  • Annexation
  • Emergency Services Authorities
  • Street Administration
  • Municipal Ethics