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Why Trademarks Can Be One of Your Most Valuable Assets

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Foster Swift Second Wednesday Lunch Break
September 13, 2023

Designing LogoWhether you are already an established business or in the early stages of a start-up, protecting your trademark (TM) is often overlooked and cannot be overstated.

In essence, a trademark is a cornerstone of your business’s identity and branding, meant to represent the company’s reputation and good will that can be distinguished in the marketplace from others: avoiding confusion and preventing others from adopting similar marks. Having a unique trademark:

  • Helps customers easily identify your unique value-add.
  • Makes utilizing internet and social media more effective.
  • Protects you against bad actors.
  • Increases the overall asset value of the organization.

Join us next week as we explore the importance of protecting your business’s reputation and “Why Trademarks Can Be One of Your Most Valuable Assets”.

When: September 13, 2023 from 12:00-12:30 pm
Registration: https://bit.ly/2ndWeds2023

During this session, licensed patent and intellectual property attorney Mikhail “Mike” Murshak will discuss:

  • The process for registering for trademarks at both the state and federal levels.
  • The benefits of trademarking your product.
  • The pros and cons of federally registering a trademark or only registering within a particular state.
  • How do you maintain your trademark and what is the timeline for filing with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”).