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Julie Fershtman Featured on “Ag Law Today” Podcast

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Ag Law Today
August 23, 2021

Julie Fershtman was featured in last week’s Ag Law Today podcast on the topic of livestock insurance. With experience litigating livestock insurance lawsuits in several states and helping insurers write policies, Fershtman discussed current developments, hottest areas of dispute between policyholders and insurers, and how people can avoid disputes. 

See the full interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dTKhUa_NQc 

The Ag Law Today Podcast is hosted by Illinois lawyer Cari Rincker and the Purdue University Animal Sciences Department helps produce it. The podcast educates on all aspects of agriculture law, including business, farm estate planning, administration, regulatory, and property law that impact peoples’ lives and businesses. 

For information on the AG Law Today podcast, visit aglawtodaypodcast.com.