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Firm Launches New Campaign and Election Law Blog in Time for Elections

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August 3, 2020

Voting BoothsGRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – Foster Swift attorneys Laura J. Genovich and Cody A. Mott have launched a Michigan Election Law Blog to address election and campaign finance law topics, questions, and concerns.

The blog seeks to expand readers’ understanding of campaign and election laws, which in turn will help them better navigate and participate in the democratic process – whether as a candidate, committee, municipality or other public body, non-profit, or for-profit business.

“Many of the laws in this area are very nuanced and simple mistakes like linking to the wrong website or incorrectly using the ‘magic words’ can result in a fine or punishment,” Mott advises.

The topics this blog will address include:

  • Campaign Finance under the Michigan Campaign Finance Act (MCFA)
  • Rules for Candidates and Committees
  • Update Alerts and Upcoming Deadlines

To see more, visit the blog at www.michiganelectionlaw.com.

Foster Swift election law attorneys successfully represent clients before federal and state courts, as well as agencies such as the Federal Election Commission, the Michigan Department of State, and the Internal Revenue Service.  In addition to handling ballot initiatives for Michigan municipalities, they regularly counsel clients on the laws and rules pertaining to federal and state lobbying, political contributions, political action committees, ethics, the use of corporate facilities for political purposes and corporate guidelines on related issues.