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Workers’ Comp Defense Blog Provides Michigan Case and Legislative Updates

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April 13, 2020

LANSING, Mich. – Foster Swift workers’ compensation defense attorneys  Brian Goodenough (practice leader), Alicia Birach, Michael Cassar, Tyler Olney and Michael Sanders have launched a blog to address the ever-evolving case law and legislative changes to workers’ compensation matters affecting employers.

The purpose of this blog is to help claims adjusters and HR professionals keep abreast of the evolving legislative changes and developing case law regarding workers' compensation matters. Topics  featured on the blog since its launch include, among others:

  • The impact of COVID-19 on Michigan workers’ compensation matters, including new emergency rules surrounding first responders
  • Psychiatric workers’ compensation disability claims in a pandemic environment
  • Impact of executive orders on reduction and termination of benefits
  • Michigan's emergency rules give personal injury presumption to "first response employees" with COVID-19

With over a century of combined experience defending workers' compensation claims, the Foster Swift Workers’ Compensation Practice Group aggressively represents employers, insurance carriers, group funds, and third-party administrators in all phases of the litigation process throughout the State of Michigan.

Visit miworkcompdefenseblog.com to view recent posts and to subscribe for future blog content.