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Whitmer Proposes Universal FMLA: Legislature Likely to Decide by Year-End

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Clifford L. Hammond
Foster Swift Labor & Employment Law News E-blast
September 7, 2023

Paid FMLA FormGov. Gretchen Whitmer announced her support and request for action to enact a universal paid medical and family leave for Michigan workers. According to Whitmer, the measure would guarantee time off for childbirth or other personal or family health-related issues. She discussed the idea in a recent speech outlining her legislative priorities for the fall.

Although the Governor provided few details in her remarks, two bills (House Bill 4574 & Senate Bill 332) introduced in the Michigan Legislature earlier this year will likely serve as the starting point in the debate.

As outlined in the proposed legislation, the measure would:

  • Cover companies with 50 or more employees.
  • Permit all qualified workers to take up to 15 weeks of paid intermittent leave from work to care for themselves or their families.
  • Provide up to 65 percent of a worker’s pay.
  • Be funded by a payroll tax on employers.

Michigan currently requires employers with at least 50 workers to provide 40 hours of paid leave annually. An eligible worker accrues the benefit and can receive paid time off for their own illness or medical care or to care for a relative.  

Whitmer said “it’s time” for Michigan to have a paid family and medical leave act and that the state legislature will take up the bills before the end of 2023.

Foster Swift attorneys will continue to monitor developments and provide updates regarding this important proposed legislation. If you have any questions regarding paid family and medical leave (FMLA) and how the new paid sick leave measure might impact your business, please contact a member of our Employer Services Practice Group: