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Implications of Noncompete Ban for Employers

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Second Wednesday Sessions
June 12, 2024

Competing Businesses in RaceAfter the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted 3-2 on April 23, 2024, to publish its final rule and effectively ban most noncompete agreements between U.S. workers and employers, many questions abound as to what the ban entails.

Barring few exceptions, not only will most noncompete agreements signed after the effective date, which will be 120 days after the rule is published, be illegal and violate federal law but any noncompete signed before the effective date will also be unenforceable.

To clarify these recent changes, join us for our June 2nd Wednesday on Implications of Noncompete Ban for Employers:

This session features moderator Rob Hamor with employment law attorney Tony Dalimonte as they discuss:

  • The details of this ban; what led to the FTC's decision to ban noncompete agreements?
  • Are there any exceptions to this ban?
  • Is the ban limited to only non-compete clauses?
  • Will this ban be challenged and how likely is this to be the final standing on the matter?
  • What are some of the recommended steps for employers in preparing for the obvious difficulties ahead?